Class Tree#

A geometry nodes tree.

A Tree class encapsulates a Blender NodeTree:

    blender_tree = tree.btree # The Blender NodeTree

Modifier and custom group#

A Tree can be used for two purposes:

  • to be used in a Geometry Nodes modifier (default)

  • to be used as a custom Group called in another Tree (group = True)

To include a custom group into a Tree, simply initialize a Group class with its name as first parameter.

# Call of the custom group named "Reusable Computation"
# After the name, use keyword arguments to feed the input sockets of the custom group

node = Group("Resusable Computation", ...)

# The node is supposed to return two sockets "Total value", "Average value"

total = node.total_value
avg   = node.average_value

Tree creation#

Once the tree is completed, the arrange method makes the whole tree of nodes quite readable. Building a tree is made between the two instructions:

  • tree = Tree(tree_name) : creation / opening of the Blender NodeTree

  • tree.close() : arrange the nodes

It is recommended to use the with context:

with Tree("Geometry Nodes") as tree:
    # ... nodes creation
# Tree is created and arranged


For a better clarity of the resulting tree, it is possible to put the newly created nodes in a layout. The layout creation makes use of the with context (see layout):

with Tree("Geometry Nodes") as tree:
    # Nodes created here are placed directly on the tree background
    with tree.layout("Some tricky computation"):
        # Nodes created here are placed in the current layout
        with tree.layout("The most difficult part"):
            # Layouts can be imbricated
    # Back to standard creation

Input and output geometries#

The input geometry is read with the Tree property input_geometry or its short version ig.

The output geometry is defined by setting the Tree property output_geometry or its short version og.

The do nothing modifier can be written:

import geonodes as gn

with gn.Tree("Do nothing") as tree:
    tree.og = tree.ig

Input sockets#

The Tree input sockets are defined with the Input class method of data classes.

For instance, to create an input socket of type Float:

import geonodes as gn

with gn.Tree("Test") as tree:
    user_param = gn.Float.Input(.5, "Volume density", val_min=0.1, val_max=20., description="Which density do you want ?")

Output sockets#

To create output sockets, call the to_output method of data classes.

For instance, to create an output socket of type Vector:

import geonodes as gn

with gn.Tree("Test") as tree:
    vect = gn.Vector((1, 2, 3))
    vect.to_output("Some vector")


Tree(self, tree_name, clear=False, group=False, fake_user=False, prefix=None)


  • tree_name (str): name of the tree

  • clear (bool): delete existing nodes if True

  • group (bool): the tree is a custom Group (no default input and output geometries)

  • fake_user (bool): the fake user flag

  • prefix (str or Trees): Prefix to add at the begining of the tree name



cur_frame | frame | ig | input_geometry | og | output_geometry | scene | seconds


activate | arrange | check_attributes | close | get_bnode | get_bnode_wrapper | get_bsocket_wrapper | layout | new_group_input | new_group_output | new_input | prev_node | register_node | to_output



Get the current layout for the newly created nodes.

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The “Scene Time” output socket “frame”.

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Shortcut for input_geometry.

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The group input geometry.

    my_geometry = tree.input_geometry

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Shortcut for output_geometry.

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The group output geometry.

tree.output_geometry = my_geometry 

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Maintain a single instance of the node :class:SceneTime.

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The “Scene Time” output socket “seconds”.

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def activate(self)

Set this tree as the current one.

The Tree class property TREE is set to self

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def arrange(self)

Arrange the created nodes in the tree background for more lisibility

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def check_attributes(self)

Check the attributes

This utility function is called when closing the tree to “solve” the attribute input nodes, i.e. to determine if a ‘Capture Attribute’ node is required.

In geonodes, attributes are initialized as properties of a geometry. For instance, in the following piece of code, the node ‘Position’ is to be the position of the vertices of my_mesh:

v = my_mesh.verts.position  # Create the node 'Position'

To actually get these vertices, a ‘Capture Attribute’ can be necessary. This is determined by check_attribute method.

The insertion is made with the following algorithm

  1. Check if capture is needed

    for each fed node:

    • if the node has an input geometry:

      • if the input geometry is the expected one:

        • ok

      • else

        • insertion is needed

    • else:

      • continue exploration with the nodes fed by this node

  2. If insertion is needed

    • Create the ‘Capture Attribute’ node

    • Set the proper parameters

    • Input geometry with the owning socket

    • Output geometry to the sockets the owning socket was linked to

    • Output attribute to the sockets the attribute was connected to

Note that by initializing an attribute with geometry and domain, we have what we need to insert a ‘Capture Attribute’ node:

# Get the position of the vertices of my_mesh

v = my_mesh.verts.position

# Create the capture node

capture_node = nodes.CaptureNode(
    geometry  = my_mesh,
    value     = (output socket of Position node),
    data_type = 'VECTOR',  # We deal with position which is a Vector
    domain    = 'POINT',   # my_mesh.verts.position  --> 'POINT'
                           # my_mesh.edges.position  --> 'EDGE'
                           # my_mesh.faces.position  --> 'FACE'

Flag to colorize the dependancies

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def close(self)

Call to indicate that the tree is completed and that it can be finalized

Three actions are performed:

  • Insertion of “Capture Attribute” nodes for attributes which require it, see :func:check_attributes.

  • Insert group input nodes in frame when ok_capture_inputs is set to True

  • Nodes arrangement, see :func:arrange.

—– Capture attributes

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def get_bnode(self, bl_idname, label=None)

Get an existing, or create a new, Blender node in the tree.


  • bl_idname (str): the node bl_idname

  • label (str): Node label


  • the blender node (bpy.types.GeometryNode)

At initialization time, some nodes (the ones which can be changed by UX) are kept in old_bnodes list. Before creating a new node, this list is scaned to find a node of the proper type and the proper label.

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def get_bnode_wrapper(self, bnode)

Get the Node instance wrapping the Blender node passed in argument.


  • bnode (bpy.types.NodeSocket): a blender node


  • The wrapping node (Node)

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def get_bsocket_wrapper(self, bsocket)

Get the DataSocket instance wrapping the Blender socket passed in argument.


  • bsocket (bpy.types.NodeSocket): a blender socket


  • The node wrapping the socket (Node)

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def layout(self, label="Layout", color=None, capture_inputs=None)

Create a new layout where the newly created nodes will be placed.


  • label (str): the layout label

  • color (str or color): the layout background color

  • capture_inputs (bool): if True, create a new instance fo group inputs in the frame

To be used in a with block:

with tree.layout("My layout"): # Create a layout
    mesh = Mesh.UVSphere() # The node is parented in the layout
mesh.set_shade_smooth() # "Set Shade Smooth" node is created in the tree background

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def new_group_input(self)

Create a new instance in group input.

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def new_group_output(self)

Create a new instance in group output.

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def new_input(self, class_name, value=None, name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, description="")

Create a new input socket.


  • class_name (str): class name of the value to get

  • value (any): initial value

  • name (str): name of the socket to create

  • min_value (any): minimum value

  • max_value (any): maximum value

  • description (str): user tip


  • DataSocket

res = tree.new_input('Integer', 10, "Resolution", min_value=2, max_value=100, description="Grid resolution")

Don’t use it directly, better call the constructor Input of data classes.

res = Integer.Input(10, "Resolution", min_value=2, max_value=100, description="Grid resolution")

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def prev_node(self, index)

Utility which prints the configuration of a node in the console.


  • index (int) : the unique id of the node to print


  • None

When a node is tweaked to obtain the expected result, the changes will be lost next time the script will be run. By calling prev_node the parameters are printed in the console and can be copied/pasted.

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def register_node(self, node)

Register the node passed in parameter in the current tree.


  • node (Node): The node to register


  • node

When registered, a unique id is provided to the node. This allows the users to more clearly distinguish the nodes.

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def to_output(self, socket)

Create a new output socket linked to the data class.


  • socket (DataSocket): the socket to connect to an output of the tree Returns:

  • None


Don’t use it directly, better call method to_output of data classes.


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