Interactive Sphere Field#

Scene Build#

Scene Build

from pynodes import *

from pynodes.scene import *

    O.empty_sphere: {},

def sphere_matrix(mesh: Mesh, controller: Object = "Empty Sphere"):

    cube = MeshCube((1.618, 1, 1), 13, 8, 8).mesh

    target = InputPoints(position=controller.location)

    with frame("Control Scale"):

        spheres = MeshIcoSphere(0.2, 4).mesh.on_points(cube, scale=target.proximity("POINTS").distance.color_ramp_with_position((0.2, 0.8), (0.35, 0.2)))


    return spheres

Gradient Material#

Gradient Material

def principled(base_color: Color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), roughness: Float = (0.5, 0, 1)):
    return BsdfPrincipled(base_color=base_color, roughness=roughness)("Shader")

def gradient():
    with frame("Factor"):
        factor = GradientTexture("SPHERICAL", TextureCoord("Empty Sphere").object.mapping()).fac.color_ramp_with_position((0.3, 0), (0.7, 1))
    with frame("Mix Shader"):
        shader1 = principled()
        shader2 = principled(base_color="#18a161", roughness=0.1)
        shader = MixShader(shader1, shader2, factor)
    return shader