Selection Example#
Selection Example
from pynodes import *
def index_number_to_curve(index: Integer, max_index: Integer, size: Float):
return index.to_string().to_curve("CENTER", "MIDDLE", size=size).join_to_instances().switch(max_index < index)
def show_index_of_instances(instances: Instances, size: Float = 1, offset: Vector = (0, 0, 0)):
numbers = []
max_index = instances.integer_statistic_on_instances(instances.index).max.Integer
for i in range(10):
with frame(f"Index {i}"):
numbers.append(index_number_to_curve(InputInteger(i), max_index, size))
numbers = join(numbers)
with frame("Set position offset"):
with frame("Sample position"):
pos = instances.sample_vector_at_index(instances.position, instances.index)
numbers.set_position(offset=pos + offset)
return instances + numbers
def selection_example(start: Integer = (0, -1, 10), span: Integer = (3, 0, 10)):
line = MeshLine(offset=(0, 0.5, 0))
with frame("Selection"):
with frame("Select every two points"):
line = line.Mesh[line.index % 2]
with frame("Select from start to span points"):
line = line.Mesh[start:start + span]
points = line.set_position(offset=(1, 0, 0))
ins = MeshIcoSphere(0.2, 3).mesh.Instances.on_points(points)
return show_index_of_instances(ins, size=0.5, offset=(0.5, 0, 0))