Tulsi Couple#
Tulsi Couple
from pynodes import *
from pynodes.math import *
def tulsi_couple(count: Integer = (5, 1, 8)):
line = CurveLine((0, -3, 0), (0, 3, 0))
points = InputPoints(count=count)
with frame("Clone and rotate Lines"):
lines = line.on_points(points, rotation=(points.index * pi / count).to_euler()).realize_instances()
with frame("Distances from grid points to lines"):
distance = lines.to_mesh().proximity("EDGES").distance
with frame("Set grid position by distance"):
plane = MeshGrid(20, 20, 200, 200).mesh
plane[distance < 1].set_position(offset=-plane.normal * (1 - distance).float_curve(points=[(0, 0), (0.05, 0.03), (0.5, 0.5, "auto_clamped"), (1, 0.5)]))
with frame("Clone and animate Spheres"):
sphere = MeshIcoSphere(radius=0.2, subdivisions=3).mesh
t = Float.sin(SceneTime().seconds * 4 + (lines.index / count) * pi).map_range(-1, 1, 0, 1)
spheres = sphere.on_points(lines.trim_factor(start=t)[lines.endpoint_selection(start_size=1, end_size=0)])
return plane + spheres