Möbius Band#

Möbius Band with Extruded Face#


At first, import namespace

from pynodes import *
from pynodes.math import *


def extrude_faces(mesh: Mesh, distance: Distance):

    mesh, top, side = mesh[mesh.index % 4 == 0].extrude_faces(distance)

    with frame("Scale Extruded Top Faces"):

        t = SceneTime().seconds

        scale = sin(t * 2).map_range(-1, 1, 0, 0.8)

        mesh = mesh[top].scale_elements(scale)

    return mesh


def curve_to_mesh(curve: Curve):

    with frame("Profile"):

        profile = CurveCircle(0.15, 3)

        profile = Rectangle(0.3, 0.05)

    mesh = curve.to_mesh(profile).merge_by_distance(0.03).set_shade_smooth(False)

    return mesh


def möbius_band(resolution: Integer = 64, factor: Factor = (1, 0, 1), extrude_amount: Distance = (0.3, 0)):

    curve = CurveCircle(resolution=resolution).trim_factor(end=factor)

    t = SceneTime().seconds

    with frame("Set Curve Tilt"):

        curve.set_tilt(curve.parameter.factor * factor * tau + t)

    sweeped_mesh = curve_to_mesh(curve)

    with frame("Extrude faces of one side"):

        extruded_mesh = extrude_faces(sweeped_mesh, extrude_amount)

    return join(sweeped_mesh.switch(extrude_amount > 0, sweeped_mesh + extruded_mesh), curve)

Möbius Band with Vertex Balls#

Möbius Band with Vertex Balls

def möbius_band(resolution: Integer = 64, tilt: Float = (tau, 0)):

    curve = CurveCircle(3, resolution)

    with frame("Curve Tilt"):

        t = SceneTime().seconds

        curve = curve.set_tilt(curve.parameter.factor.map_range(0, 1, 0, tilt) + t).trim_factor()

    with frame("Curve to Mesh"):

        with frame("Profile"):

            line = Rectangle(3, 0.05)

            circle = CurveCircle(1.5, 3).subdivide(3)

        profile = circle

        mesh = curve.to_mesh(profile).merge_by_distance(0.15).set_shade_smooth(False).set_material("#51be51")

    return mesh

def abstract_loop(radius: Float = 0.35):

    points = möbius_band(resolution=32).to_points("FACES")

    mesh = MeshUVSphere(radius=radius).mesh.Instances.on_points(points).set_material("#e7539d")

    return mesh