Mesh Transition#

Mesh Transition

from pynodes import *
from pynodes.math import *

def mesh_transition(mesh1: Mesh, mesh2: Mesh, factor: Float = (0, 0, 1), smooth: Boolean = False):

    with frame("Old Position"):

        old_pos = mesh1.capture_vector_on_points(mesh1.position)

    with frame("New Position"):

        new_pos = mesh2.sample_vector_at_index(mesh2.position, mesh2.sample_nearest())

    mesh1.set_position(old_pos.mix(new_pos, factor))

    return mesh1.set_shade_smooth(shade_smooth=smooth & (factor < 1))

Mesh Transition Test

def mesh_transition_test(factor: Float = (0, 0, 1)):

    mesh1 = MeshCube(2).mesh.subdivision_surface(level=3)

    mesh2 = MeshIcoSphere(subdivisions=2).mesh

    return mesh_transition(mesh1, mesh2, factor)