Small Demos#

Flying Dust#


def dust(mesh: Mesh, factor: Float = 1, radius: Float = 0.03):

    with frame("Get Points from the volume of the input mesh"):

        volume = mesh.to_volume()

        points = volume.distribute_points_grid()

    with frame("Clone spheres to the points"):

        spheres = MeshIcoSphere(radius).mesh.Instances.on_points(points)

    with frame("Set the position of the spheres"):

        w = SceneTime().seconds * 0.1 # Animating by scene time

        spheres.set_position(offset=(NoiseTexture("4D", w=w).color - 0.5) * factor)

    with frame("Set the scale of the spheres"):

        spheres = spheres.scale_instances(RandomFloat(min=0.5, max=1))

    return spheres

Recursive Subdivide#


def random_subdivide_iterate(mesh: Mesh, p: Float = ("Probability", 0.5, 0, 1), seed: Integer = 0):

    mesh1, mesh2 = mesh.separate_faces(RandomBoolean(p, 0, seed))

    mesh1 = mesh1.subdivide_mesh()

    new_seed = (seed + 1).to_integer()

    return mesh1.join(mesh2), p, new_seed("Seed")


def random_subdivide(p: Float = ("Probability", 0.5, 0, 1), seed: Integer = 0):

    mesh = MeshGrid(1, 1, 12, 12).mesh

    mesh, p, seed = random_subdivide_iterate(mesh, p, seed)

    mesh.node.label = f"Subdivide 1"

    for i in range(3):

        mesh, p, seed = random_subdivide_iterate(mesh, p, seed)

        mesh.node.label = f"Subdivide {i+2}"

    return mesh.split_edges()