Extrude Uniform#
The is an util node group for modeling.
Extrude Uniform
from pynodes import *
def line_to_wall(curve: Curve):
offset = NoiseTexture(scale=0.5).color.map_range(to_min=(-0.5, -0.5, 0), to_max=(0.5, 0.5, 0))
mesh = curve.subdivide(30).set_position(offset=offset).to_mesh()
mesh = mesh.extrude_edges(offset=(0, 0, 1)).mesh
return mesh
def extrude_uniform(mesh: Mesh, thickness: Float = 0.2):
# The normal here is the average of the normal vector of the
# surface connected to the current point
with frame("Evaluate normal on faces"):
normal = mesh.evaluate_vector_on_faces(mesh.normal)
# The following tree fomula is equivalent
with frame("Scale normal"):
normal1 = normal.normalized * (1 / normal.length)
normal1.node.label = "Method 1"
normal2 = normal * (1 / normal.length**2)
normal2.node.label = "Method 2"
normal3 = normal * (1 / normal.dot(normal))
normal3.node.label = "Method 3"
# Capture the normal on the point field
with frame("Capture normal"):
normal = mesh.capture_vector_on_points(normal1)
mesh, top, side = mesh.extrude_faces(offset_scale=0)
return mesh
from pynodes.scene import *
O.bezier_curve: {
Mod.geometry_nodes @ "1": {
"node_group": "line_to_wall"
Mod.geometry_nodes @ "2": {
"node_group": "extrude_uniform"